Monday, July 13, 2009


[Update 03/08/2021: Need to redo this review completely. Fix the screenshots also.]

Two teenage school girls are best frinds until one gets involved with a wannabe gangster. He leads her on while, at the same time, he's messing around with another older woman, so the school girl gets mad and attacks the woman. Shunned by the community she is run out of town. Time passes and now the school girl is a prostitute.  Her once best friend is now married to the wannabe gangster guy who has settled down. Tons of thick melodrama follow. Shimizu is very good with the camera, but the story just cannot hold up even for 72 minutes. You could say "Hey, it's fuckin' 1933. Give this guy a break!" but in 1933 Yasujiro Ozu was already knocking out the good stuff like A STORY OF FLOATING WEEDS.